Why Bark Busters

For more than 30 years, Bark Busters has been helping transform relationships between dogs and their families. By studying how dogs learn and view the world, we have developed a technique that allows you to communicate with them in a way they naturally understand and create a loving future together.From our research and the experience of working with over one million families, we know that every dog is unique and responds to life differently. Our approach is holistic and straightforward. We evaluate your situation, environment and dog’s temperament to teach you the best strategy for educating your pup. We positively reinforce good behaviours, using all of your love and affection, by recreating real-life scenarios and training moments in your home. As your dog matures or new issues emerge, we will always be here to guide you as part of our lifetime commitment.

Our Trainers

Our Bark Busters team is dedicated to ensuring every day with your pup is a good one. By listening, understanding your situation and sharing our expertise we can support and teach how to form a connection with your dog that will last a lifetime.

Meet Our Team

Personalized In-Home Training

Our one-on-one training sessions are conducted at home where your dog feels most comfortable and are uniquely tailored to their temperament and needs.

Our Services

Lifetime Commitment

No matter how long it takes, we will help you and your dog understand and trust each other so you can thrive as a family. We are here anytime you need support.

Our Commitment

Our Philosophy

We’ve learned everything we need to know from dogs. Understanding them, their instincts, their view of the world and how they communicate is key to our training approach and success.

Our Philosophy & Approach

Our Story

Founded on the belief that there is hope for every dog, our story began 30 years ago in Australia. Fast forward to today and our team in Canada is part of a global effort to improve the well-being of all dogs and their humans alike.

About Us

Guide Your Dog With Confidence

Dog-focused, relationship-based training tips to help ensure you maintain a happy and healthy connection with your pet.