Frequently Asked Questions

Answering questions about canine behaviours is a key part of what we do. With over 30 years of dog
training experience, we have a lot of knowledge that we love to share.


What makes Bark Busters different from other training options?

All of our trainers have received extensive training. Our understanding of how dogs communicate, learn and perceive the world allows us to communicate in a way that is natural for them. Our private, in-home training sessions are customized to each dog and client’s needs and they give you the tools and skills needed to address challenges as they arise. Our lifetime commitment ensures we are here whenever you need us.


What happens at a lesson?

Your trainer will begin by getting to know your pup’s temperament, discussing any challenges, and determining your wishes for your dog’s behaviour. We will then come up with your training priorities and goals and coach you through the exercises best suited for your dog. Through this process, you will build the trust and respect of your dog which is key to seeing the best results moving forward.

How many visits? How many hours?

This depends on your dog and your needs. Some people begin seeing progress after one session. Others have more persistent problems and need numerous visits. In essence, you are paying to get the results. It is a flat fee, so if your case is more difficult than most or new issues arise, you don’t pay anything extra.

How much does it cost?

Cost depends on your dog, the issues, your location and the number of dogs involved. Typically this ranges from $895 to $1995. For an accurate quote, please contact a trainer or call us at 1-866-418-4584. We would love to find out more about your dog and situation.

Methods & Approach

What is your method?

Bark Busters has developed our own proprietary and highly effective method. It is an approach that is rooted in the same communication system dogs use to educate each other (just think about how a mother teaches her pups). By using a system that comes naturally to dogs, we can educate them on what you want and what you don’t want.

Do you use food treats?

Sometimes the case calls for the use of food to build positive associations, however, ours is not a treat-based reward system. Our research and 30 years of experience have shown us that praise and affection are the best motivators, particularly in dogs that are stressed, fearful or not food driven.

Do you use punishment, e-collars or choke collars?

No. Our approach is humane. Pain, punishment, and fear do not work and most often make things worse. Education using clear communication is our key to getting great results and building a trusting and positive relationship.

Our Services

Our Services

Our training approach centers around your dog and your unique situation. Whatever the age, stage or challenge, we are here for you.


Take Our Behaviour Quiz

Take Our Behaviour Quiz

Curious to know how your dog ranks in terms of their behaviour? Our Behaviour Quiz is a quick way to find out more about their strengths and training opportunities.