Understanding Rabies
Rabies may seem like a rare disease, and thanks to vaccinations it certainly occurs far less frequently in the pet population than it did years ago, but it’s a very serious disease that dog owners should be aware of. Here’s what you need to know about rabies to keep...
Reasons Why People Don’t Train Their Dogs and Why They Should
A well-trained dog is a happy dog, but many pet owners don’t bother taking the time to properly train their pet. There are several reasons why people don’t bother to train their dogs: They feel dog training is unfair to the dog A well-trained dog is a happy...
The Best Ways to Show Affection to your Dog
Showing your dog love is one of the best ways that you can bond with them, but you need to know how to show affection the right way. Dogs aren’t like people, so what you think your dog may love may actually cause them stress. Here are some of the best ways to show...
How Does a Dog’s Nose Work
You know your dog can smell its treats before they’ve even reached the bowl, but just how does a dog’s nose work? Simply put, dog noses are way more powerful than our human ones. Here’s a look at how your dog’s nose is perfectly designed for Man’s Best Friend. ...