Does Breed Matter?

Does Breed Matter?

Beagles sniff, Shelties bark, Huskies pull, Afghans run, German Shepherds guard, and Chihuahuas sit on laps.  How often are broad generalizations made about specific breeds of dog?  How much impact does a dog’s breed have on its ability to be...
Keeping Your Dog Safe in Winter

Keeping Your Dog Safe in Winter

Winter can be a fun time for your dog, but it can also be a dangerous time—especially if your pet spends a lot of time outdoors. Since they might not always make the best choices for themselves, here are some things you need to look out for to keep your dog safe and...
How to Work From Home With Your Dog

How to Work From Home With Your Dog

More and more dog owners are working from home (or taking their dogs to the office) and don’t have to spend so much time apart from their furry friends during the week. While some pups ease into this scenario smoothly, for others there are a number of behavioural...
Puppy Chewing: Naughty or Natural?

Puppy Chewing: Naughty or Natural?

Congratulations on your new puppy! Although cute, you have most likely noticed how much they like to chew. This is a frustrating yet inevitable part of puppyhood, and it is never fun to discover your favourite shoes have been shredded by your new companion. With these...