Tips for Introducing Two Individual Dogs
Here are a few tips that will help ensure the process of introducing two dogs to each other is a positive experience for everyone involved. When you are introducing the dogs, choose a neutral location that is unfamiliar to both dogs. A different person should handle...
General Tips for Introducing a New Dog to Your Dog Family
It is an exciting time for human families when they bring home a new dog. However, it is important to remember that this can actually cause stress for your current dog or dogs. It is important to understand how to handle introducing your dogs in order to ensure a...
Help Your Dog and Baby Get Acquainted After the Baby Arrives
Before your new baby is born, it is important to prepare your dog for your baby’s arrival. Here are some tips for keeping a safe, low-stress home for both baby and dog after the baby arrives. 1. On the first day your baby comes home, make introductions. Before your...