Meet the “B” of our A-Z Breed Series: The Border Collie!

When it comes to intelligence, agility, and loyalty, the Border Collie stands out as a true marvel of the dog world. Known for their boundless energy and remarkable trainability, these dogs have captured the hearts of many dog enthusiasts. We appreciate the unique characteristics and needs of Border Collies, and we’re always here to help you understand and nurture this extraordinary breed.


Origins and History

Originating from the border regions of England and Scotland (hence, the name!), Border Collies were bred primarily for herding livestock. Their exceptional intelligence & agility combined with an innate ability to work independently and with humans, made them indispensable to shepherds. Today, while many Border Collies still excel in herding, they have also become popular companions in family homes and stars in dog sports.

Intelligence and Trainability

Border Collies are often hailed as one of the most intelligent dog breeds. This intelligence, however, comes with a need for mental stimulation. Training a Border Collie is usually a rewarding experience due to their eagerness to learn and quick grasp of commands – but be warned: they are a dog for an active lifestyle!

Energy Levels and Exercise Needs

If there’s one thing every Border Collie owner must be prepared for, it’s their dog’s high energy levels. These dogs thrive on physical activity and mental challenges. Regular exercise, whether it’s long walks, runs, or agility training, is crucial to keep them happy and healthy. Without sufficient stimulation, Border Collies can become bored and potentially develop destructive behaviours.

Socialisation and Behavioural Training

While Border Collies are typically friendly and sociable, early socialization is key to ensuring they are well-adjusted adults. Introducing them to a variety of sights, sounds and environments is key in the early stages. Don’t forget – herding dogs are instinctually triggered by fast-moving objects! This includes children running around. Knowing how to navigate this as your dogs grows is important.

Tips for new Border Collie Owners

  • Commit to Training: Start training early and maintain consistency. Contacting Bark Busters is an excellent first step!
  • Stay Active: Ensure your dog gets plenty of exercise every day.
  • Socialize Early: Expose your Border Collie to different environments, people, and other animals to foster a well-rounded personality.
  • Be Patient: While they are quick learners, patience and consistency are key to successful training.
  • Provide Mental Stimulation: Engage their minds with training sessions, problem-solving games, and new challenges.


Owning a Border Collie is a rewarding experience filled with adventure, learning, and companionship. At Bark Busters, we are dedicated to helping you and your Border Collie develop a strong, positive relationship. Whether you need assistance with training, behaviour issues, or simply understanding your dog better, our team is here to help!