Prevent Parasites on Your Dog

Do you know what’s bugging your pet? Parasites can be more than just an annoyance for your pet–some parasites can cause serious damage to your dog’s health. Here’s what you need to know to prevent parasites on your dog.


Do you know what’s bugging your pet? Parasites can be more than just an annoyance for your pet–some parasites can cause serious damage to your dog’s health. Here’s what you need to know to prevent parasites on your dog.

Arm yourself with knowledge

Do you know what type of parasites could be lurking in or around your dog’s home? Do your research to find out what types of parasites might be found where you are. For example, if you live in an area that’s heavy with mosquitoes, your dog could be at risk from their larvae. If you aren’t sure what parasites you should be treating your dog for, ask your veterinarian. Knowing how your dog can get parasites is half the battle, so learn as much as you can to keep your pet safe.

Prevention is better than trying to cure your pet

Fortunately, many parasites can be prevented by making changes to your pet’s environment. From fleas to heartworms, prevention can be as simple as keeping your pet and its bed clean and ensuring that your pet doesn’t have access to any standing bodies of water that might have parasitic larvae in it.

Don’t wait until your pet seems really sick or seriously bothered by the parasites to seek treatment. The sooner you catch the problem, the easier it will be to treat it and keep your pet feeling healthy and strong.

Use the right treatment

If you suspect your dog has parasites, ask your vet which treatment products they recommend. Some parasites, like fleas and ticks, may be treated naturally using home remedies. Other parasites, like hookworms and tapeworms, will need specific medications designed to interrupt the lifecycle of the parasites and help prevent future infestation.

Plan for parasites when you travel

If you’re traveling with your pet, you need to be aware of any parasites you might encounter at your destination. Speak with your vet about any vaccinations or medications your pet might need before you go in order to keep your dog safe.