Bringing Your Dog to the Dog-Friendly Workplace

With more and more companies creating pet policies in order to attract and retain employees, you may be thinking about bringing your dog with you to work! Not every dog will be a good fit for the workplace, though, so start here to make sure your pup can be a model employee.

As workplace culture evolves, dogs are becoming a much more common sight. Even if it’s just for a single day, having a pet in the office can help boost morale and lower stress amongst employees. However, there are definitely some things you’ll want to keep in mind if you plan on bringing your canine companion to work.

Consider your dog’s temperament

Is your dog easy-going, friendly around strangers, and generally well-behaved in new places? Or is your dog shy, easily frightened, and anxious around new people? Not all dogs want to go to work. Never force a shy dog to be social, especially in an unknown environment.

Learn your company’s pet policy

It goes without saying that you should make sure your pet will be welcome at your place of work. Not everyone loves dogs, and some people are allergic to them, so keep your coworkers in mind when deciding whether or not to bring your pup with you. If your company doesn’t already have a pet policy, make sure you get permission from the correct people, and if they’re okay with you bringing your dog, perhaps you can set the creation of a pet policy in motion. A well-written pet policy can help all employees feel safe and comfortable, eliminate safety issues and liability disputes, and prevent well-behaved pets from being punished for other pets’ poor behaviour.

Bring your own supplies

Don’t count on your office providing a place for your pet to sleep, and don’t forget to bring their food and water dishes, plus a leash for bathroom breaks. You have to be responsible for your pet while they’re with you, so make sure you plan time in your work day for walks and potty breaks.

Respect your coworkers

Don’t let your pet be a nuisance. Not everyone wants a dog in the office, so you should make sure that your pup is on their very best behaviour. Don’t let them roam the halls or sniff around in your coworkers’ things, and make sure you avoid ‘accidents’ by taking them out regularly.

Who knows, if your dog is particularly well-behaved, they may even get a raise. 🙂