Helping your Dog Adjust When Relocating to a New Home

Moving suddenly to another home can be as stressful for your dog as it is for you. To make the transition easier, here are some tips: When taking things in and out of the car or truck, make sure your dog is secured in a crate. This will keep him safe and help him feel less vulnerable than if tied up or running free.

Moving suddenly to another home can be as stressful for your dog as it is for you. To make the transition easier, here are some tips:

When taking things in and out of the car or truck, make sure your dog is secured in a crate. This will keep him safe and help him feel less vulnerable than if tied up or running free.

Take your dog for a guided tour of the new home, inside, and out. Keep him on a leash, and let him see every bit of the new place. This will let him explore his new settings safely, without getting lost or hurt. If there is another dog in the home, introduce them properly on neutral territory. (See our blog on conducting safe and effective dog introductions).

Don’t allow strange people to approach your dog. It will take some time for her to adjust and it can be too much pressure for her. Dogs may use aggression when they feel threatened or vulnerable. Help her feel safe—always. She will approach people when she’s ready.

If possible, put your dog’s belongings in the same rooms of the new house as they were in the old house. If you put their bed in the old kitchen, put it in the new kitchen. Little familiar things will help your dog settle in more easily.

Plan to be home with your dog for the first few days after the move. Spend short periods of time away from the house to see how he will respond. That way, when you have to be away from the house, your dog will be better adjusted to being alone.

Be patient with your pooch. He may have toilet accidents or feel clingy and nervous for a while after you move. It can take around three weeks for your dog to fully adjust to a move so, provide him with a safe and secure space and be patient while he’s settling in to life in a new house.

Be careful not to reward clingy or nervous behaviours. Remain calm and confident, praise him when he chooses to go to his safe area, and provide mind-challenging toys as a pleasant distraction. This can help take your dog’s attention off the commotion of the move and focus it on the new toy.

Provide your dog with identification information on his collar with your phone number and temporary location.