The lost cause…puppy nipping dilema.

Lost Cause? This is the story of a Rottweiler Puppy that at the tender age of 8 weeks already had two dog trainers call him a ‘lost cause’ and one of the trainers told the owners that this pup should be sent back to the breeder or be destroyed! What would you do with this advice? Luckily these dog owners found Bark Busters…read on… Scott is a Bark Buster Trainer in Australia, here is his recent experience:

Lost Cause?

This is the story of a Rottweiler Puppy that at the tender age of 8 weeks already had two dog trainers call him a ‘lost cause’ and one of the trainers told the owners that this pup should be sent back to the breeder or be destroyed! What would you do with this advice? Luckily these dog owners found Bark Busters…read on…

Scott is a Bark Buster Trainer in Australia, here is his recent experience:

“I went to see Zoro, the 8 week old Rottie pup, on Wednesday morning (how cute is he!). I’m not too sure what the previous 2 trainers problems were as he was fantastic! He responded really well to the Bark Busters techniques and did extremely well. Turns out he’s a real softy.

I just explained to the owner exactly what she had to do and why. She said that our methods made far more sense to her, which is always nice to hear.

I think the hardest thing is going to be un-training the owner and the kids from the previous training techniques. They were told to sort of nip/pinch Zoro with their fingers at his neck to correct him. (When she showed me, all it seemed to do was get Zoro more excited as they were waving their hands around). They were also told to alpha roll him. (Which she said she has only used once and Zoro wriggled and growled for ages until he finally settled and she could let him up). “

This dog, that was previously given up on, was a smart, enthusiastic, responsive puppy! All the was needed was a communication method that made sense to him and an understanding owner that could adapt and learn his language.

How many puppies and dogs are out there that are considered to be ‘lost causes’?