Avoid the Winter Dog Blues

The winter blues don’t affect only humans—your pet can also get a bit down during the dark, icy months. Use these tips to keep your dog happy and healthy all winter long!


It may be cold out, but … get your exercise!

Cold weather can make it tempting to skip those daily walks, but lethargy can actually lead to boredom and unwanted behaviours in your dog. Try to get out for walks—even short ones—every single day. If a walk isn’t in the cards, at least make sure you’re playing indoor games to keep your dog from getting bored.

Protect those paws

Nothing will give your dog the blues like sore and injured paws, so make sure you protect your pup’s feet when you do venture outside. Ice can penetrate the soft skin between your dog’s toe pads. Chemicals from street de-icers and salt compounds can irritate their paws, too. Plus, if your dog walks on these chemicals and then licks them off, they can make your dog very ill!

Watch out for eye problems

Cold weather may sting your dog’s eyes, but being indoors with dry heat running constantly can lead to dry eye. Watch for any signs of irritation, such as redness or excessive mucous around the eyes. Your vet may offer some drops to keep them more comfortable during the winter months.

Beware of winter hazards around the home

Your car may require antifreeze during the winter months, but your dog sure doesn’t. Be sure to keep ice melt, antifreeze, and any other harmful chemicals safely out of your dog’s reach. This may surprise you, but these products often have a taste animals find appealing! That sweet taste also hides just how deadly they are.

Keep an eye on free-standing space heaters while your pet is nearby. An errant tail swish or play fight can knock these over and cause a fire. Watch your pet around your fireplace, too, since stray sparks can land on your pet’s fur and cause serious burns! Keep your dog’s bedding away from heaters and fireplaces, too.

Most importantly, make a point of enjoying more time with your dog during the winter months. The more you interact with your pet, the happier and healthier they’ll be!